riverside boxing

Riverside Boxing Club: A Photo Reportage on the Passion and Community of Boxing in Basel

As I entered the Riverside Boxing club in Basel, the sound of gloves hitting bags and the scent of sweat filled the air. The energy in the room was palpable, and I knew this was going to be a unique and exciting photo shoot.

The members of the club were all in various stages of their training, from beginners learning the basics to experienced boxers perfecting their technique. In the available light, I captured the intensity of their workouts and the camaraderie between members.

Through the series of photos, I was able to showcase the physical and mental strength required to excel in the sport of boxing. The grit and determination of the boxers were on full display, as they pushed themselves to their limits and supported each other through the toughest of workouts.

What struck me the most about the members of Riverside Boxing was their passion for the sport and the community it provided. They were a tight-knit group of individuals, all united by their love for boxing and their dedication to improving themselves.

In capturing these moments, I was able to showcase the beauty and power of boxing as a sport and as a community. The Riverside Boxing club in Basel is more than just a gym – it’s a place where people come together to challenge themselves, push their limits, and support each other in their goals.

As the photo shoot came to an end, I left the gym feeling inspired by the strength and resilience of the boxers I had met. Through their dedication and hard work, they had shown me the true meaning of perseverance and the power of community.

riverside boxing training young man
riverside boxing training man
riverside boxing training man
leg stretch sports
ready to dance
riverside boxing training man
punching ball
riverside boxing training young man
push up
riverside boxing training man
sit up
riverside boxing rope jumping excercise
still smiling
rope jumping excercise
riverside shadow boxing warmup
one selves worst enemy
riverside boxing preparation
what's to come?
riverside boxing man women huh talk
pep talk
riverside boxing shadow boxing training man
motivation in mind
riverside boxing shadow boxing training man
refining the technique
riverside boxing warmup running group
no time to lose
riverside boxing warmup heavy rope
riverside boxing warmup tire parkour
riverside boxing warmup heavy rope
by the way
riverside boxing warmup heavy rope
riverside boxing basel tire warmup
never give up
riverside boxing basel warmup
no pain no gain
riverside boxing basel ring
riverside boxing technique instructions
sparring instructions
riverside boxing sparring man
locked in and ready
riverside boxing sparring man women
float like a butterfly, sting like a bee
riverside boxing sparring man women
be ready
riverside boxing sparring instructions
riverside boxing sparring
left right
riverside boxing sparring
riverside boxing sparring
the punisher
riverside boxing sparring
riverside boxing sparring
back and forth
riverside boxing sparring
shadow boxing
riverside boxing training pause
catching breath
riverside boxing training pause
riverside boxing training pause man
one hour to go
riverside boxing strength training
riverside boxing strength training man carry ball
next round
riverside boxing strength training man ball
riverside boxing strength training ball
push it to the limit
riverside boxing strength training ball
serious business
riverside boxing strength training ball
riverside boxing strength training ball
just a little longer
riverside boxing strength training ball
passing responsibility
riverside boxing strength training ball
riverside boxing strength training ball
riverside boxing strength training ball
riverside boxing sparring
closing in
riverside boxing sparring shadow boxing
fade out
riverside boxing sparring shadow boxing
light as a feather
riverside boxing stretching
good night